Social Networks and Health Workshop
Posted: 1/23/2017 (Conference)
The Duke Network Analysis Center (DNAC) with the Duke Population Research Institute (DuPRI) will be hosting a second, week-long Social Networks and Health workshop from May 22 – 26, 2017. The Social Networks and Health workshop will cover topics in social network analysis related to studying health behaviors, including:
- Data collection
- Ego network analysis
- Diffusion and peer influence
- Communities in networks
- Respondent-driven sampling
- Network visualizations
- Exponential random graph models (ERGM)
- Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models (SAOM, or Siena models)
- Agent-based modeling
The workshop will also contain a substantial lab component, which will give attendees an opportunity to learn how to use the R statistical computing language to analyze networks. Last year’s presentations and labs are available online at .
We have funding for a limited number (up to 10) of SN&H fellowships. Fellows will participate in the week-long training course, but also be matched with a mentor to work on an ongoing research project that the fellow has proposed. All participation costs (including domestic travel and lodging expenses to come to Duke) for SN&H fellows will be covered by the program. There is additional funding available for fellows to travel to meetings and otherwise support research meetings with their program mentor. SN&H fellows must commit to presenting the results of their project at next year’s workshop. SN&H Fellowships will be primarily targeted at pre-doctoral students, post-docs and junior faculty and is open to participants both in the triangle and across the nation. Women, individuals from underrepresented minority groups, and disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.
To apply for an SN&H fellowship, please send an email with your CV and a brief (no more than 1 page) description of research project you propose to work on over the year to snh2017@soc.duke.eduby Feb 1, 2017.
Date: 05/22/2017
Deadline: 02/01/2017
Location: Duke University