Call for Applications
Deadline: 09/12/2021
CSDE is pleased to offer one 12-month fellowship supported by the NIH T32 program in Data Science and Demography to begin mid-September 2021. This fellowship provides a monthly stipend (NIH predoctoral level) and a small travel grant. Tuition (including the Operating Fee and Building Fee), and health insurance premiums are covered. Renewable for a second year, as long as sufficient progress is made. Applicant needs to submit their application packet to the Training Core PI (Zack Almquist;, Training Director (Jessica Godwin; and CSDE director (Sara Curran; by Sunday, 09/12/2021 (by midnight).
Eligible: UW Students committed to a population research career. Students must also be a US Citizen or equivalent.
Requirements during Fellowship: continuous residence, satisfactory performance in degree program, completion of Data Science, Population Process and Health (SOC 538) and CSDE 502 series, and enrollment in weekly seminar (CSDE 501) is encouraged. Attendance of the Computational Demography Working Group is expected. Further, it is expected that the fellow will engage in mentored research collaboration with a CSDE Affiliate (15-19 hrs./week). The research should lead to a coauthored paper(s). It cannot be a component of a thesis or dissertation, but may be closely related.
Additional Fellowship Information
This NIH T32 Fellowship may be taken by a pre-doctoral graduate student who is a U.S. Citizen. The candidate applicant should be in a graduate training program that complements and supports additional training in demography and data science (for details please visit our training page and our fellowship page). The fellowship is for 12 months, covering ~75% of a student’s tuition and stipend (NIH’s maximum, allowable expense charges for tuition and stipend are lower than the UW’s tuition and stipend rates). Typically the shortfall averages ~$13,000, but depends on the student’s status. CSDE will work closely with a department or PI to minimize this amount, as much as possible. We want to support your students’ training and don’t want funding challenges to get in the way of being able to take up this opportunity. Notably, this one year fellowship is renewable for a second year, if the fellow maintains good progress in their specific training program.
Student Tasks
Submit a single PDF to to the Training Core PI (Zack Almquist;, Training Director (Jessica Godwin; and CSDE director (Sara Curran; Save as Your Department_Lastname_2021.pdf. The application will contain 5 components, which must be in the same order as listed below.
- Statement of Purpose (max 2 single spaced pages)
- Research accomplishments: Specify the research questions answered in your completed work and your research strategy. Discuss the innovative aspects of this work, its contribution to a research area in demography and its broader impact on the field and public good.
- Ongoing & future research, including the fellowship project: Discuss specific aims, research strategy, innovative aspects, contribution to a research area in demography and broader impact on the field and public good. Briefly state your training plan for the fellowship year.
- Academic Curriculum Vitae
- Current transcript (Unofficial is fine).
- A recommendation letter from your proposed CSDE affiliated mentor (to be included in the packet submitted by the student).
- See for recommendation on format: Fellowship Application Process | Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
- A statement of support signed by the GPC or GPA certifying:
- Why this nominee is a good fit for the fellowship
- The department’s affirmation of the fellow’s mentor
- The department’s affirmation that the student can undertake the additional training required by the fellowship and, whether or not the department can provide support for the gap in funding (typically around ~15k each year)
Still have questions?
Ask the CSDE Core Training PI, Zack Almquist (