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CSDE News & Events

Introduction to NIH Grant Applications

Posted: 4/2/2018 (CSDE Workshop)

Join CSDE for a panel on NIH funding. During this engaging discussion, you’ll gain core background knowledge around NIH funding. Our panelists will help you understand what type of work is funded by NIH, how to apply for funding, and how CSDE can help. You’ll also gain insights and tips from affiliates who have sat on review panels.

The NIH is one of the world’s largest funders of research grants to colleges and universities. This size and complexity can also be daunting. To provide an onramp for faculty new to NIH, we will be exploring the process & mechanics of applying to NIH institutes & centers for population research funding, including both R (research) and K (mentoring) awards. This will include navigation of online systems, strategies and pitfalls, adding health outcomes, leveraging your proposal, and more. Our panelists include:

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Date: 05/01/2018

Time: 2:00-4:00 PM

Location: Smith Room, Suzzallo Library