Fellowship Funding
CSDE hosts several fellowship programs that support graduate students’ research activities. CSDE’s fellowship programs support and prepare promising early researchers for careers that will have a significant impact on the field of demography. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis to CSDE trainees and are offered periodically.
Click the links below to learn more about fellowship opportunities!
Data Science and Demography Training (DSDT) Fellowship
CSDE directs a training program, in collaboration with the Center for Statistics for Social Sciences and eSciences Institute, that seeks to advance graduate student skills at the intersection of data science, demography, and population health. Funding for the fellowship program comes from the National Institutes of Health. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for funding. Fellows are enrolled annually and eligible for continued funding for up to three years. Funding includes 12 months of stipend and tuition, as well as health care benefits. For more details about the program and eligibility, contact the Training Core PI, Associate Professor Audrey Dorélien.
Charles & Josephine Hirschman Award
The Charles and Josephine Hirschman Award supports research costs for CSDE graduate students. This award is made possible by former CSDE Director and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology, Charles Hirschman, and his wife, Josephine. These graduate student research grants of up to $2,000 may support direct research activities such as travel for or the cost of conducting fieldwork, data purchases, the hiring of a translator or transcriber, or participant rewards for surveys. Proposals to fund tuition or a graduate student salary will not be accepted.
Applications are due Friday, April 18, 2025.
Grants must be used in the 2025-2026 academic year.
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Training Partnership
CSDE collaborates with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in a doctoral training program called the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS). This program is based in Rostock, Germany, but includes 12 doctoral programs in the U.S. and Europe. IMPRS-PHDS students engage with each other through either in-person or virtual workshops in Germany and around the world. Faculty mentors include members of the student’s own committee in their home institution, as well as MPIDR faculty and possible faculty from partner institutions.
Information about the program, the faculty, and partner institutions can be found here.
Successful applicants will be supported by CSDE for one quarter while they travel to Rostock, Germany to work with an MPIDR faculty member. The funding may be used any time between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. This opportunity is only open to current CSDE Trainees (enrolled in our certificate program or NIH fellowship program).
Applicants must submit
- their 2 page c.v.,
- a 2 page state of your doctoral research describing how the IMPRS-PHDS would most benefit their demographic training, and
- a letter of support from their faculty advisor.
Applications are due Friday, May 30, 2025.
The CSDE Program Committee (Dr. Sara Curran, Dr. Adrian Dobra, Dr. Audrey Dorélien, Dr. Jessica Godwin, Dr. Jon Wakefield, and Dr. Nathalie Williams) will select the best candidate for the position and write a letter of support for that candidate to the IMPRS-PHDS program. Applicants should contact either Dr. Sara Curran (scurran@uw.edu) or Dr. Nathalie Williams (natw@uw.edu) with their questions.