Migrations and Settlements
Primary Research Area Affiliates
Zack W. Almquist Assistant Professor, Sociology
Rawan Arar Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Societies, and Justice
Celina Balderas Guzmán Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture
Rachel Berney Associate Professor, Urban Design & Planning
Steven Bourassa Professor and Chair, Runstad Department of Real Estate; Director, Washington Center for Real Estate Research
Michael Brown Professor, Geography
Miruna Buta Assistant Professor, Health Services
Marco Carone Professor, Biostatistics
Peter Catron Assistant Professor, Sociology
Kam Wing Chan Professor, Geography
Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen Assistant Professor, Departments of Urban Design and Planning and Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
Kyle Crowder Professor, Sociology
Sara Curran Professor, International Studies; Professor, Public Policy & Governance; Director, CSDE
Ipsita Dey Assistant Professor, Comparative History of Ideas
Adrian Dobra Professor, Department of Statistics
Dan Eisenberg Associate Professor, Anthropology
Mark Ellis Professor, Geography
Kim England Professor, Geography | Adjunct Professor, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Betsy Evans Associate Professor, Linguistics
Benjamin Fitzhugh Professor, Anthropology
Kathie Friedman Associate Professor, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Carmen Gonzalez Assistant Professor, Communication
James Gregory Professor, History
Himanshu Grover Assistant Professor, Urban Design & Planning
Katarina Guttmannova Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Amy Hagopian Professor Emeritus, Health Systems & Population Health and Global Health
Stephen Hawes Professor, Epidemiology
Jerald Herting Professor, Sociology
Yuan Hsaio Assistant Professor, Communication
Sana Khalil Assistant Professor, Economics
Larry Knopp Professor Emeritus, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Jane Lee Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Patricia Louie Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Griselda Martinez Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Melissa Martinson Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Erin McElroy Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Drew Messamore Assistant Professor, Sociology
Ali Modarres Dean, School of Urban Studies; Assistant Chancellor for Community partnerships
Ali Mokdad Director, Middle Eastern Initiatives | Professor, Global Health, Epidemiology & Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
India Ornelas Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Steve Pfaff Professor, Sociology
Helen Pineo Urban Design & Planning
Adrian Raftery Professor, Statistics; Professor, Sociology
Ariel Rokem Research Associate Professor, Psychology
Mauricio Sadinle Clinical Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Mienah Sharif Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Katherine Stovel Professor & Chair, Sociology
David Takeuchi Associate Dean, Office of Faculty Excellence and Research, School of Social Work
Jacob Vigdor Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Peter Vitaliano Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Vince Wang Assistant Professor, Real Estate
Nathalie Williams Professor, Sociology; Professor, Jackson School of International Studies
Suzanne Withers Associate Professor, Geography
Dafeng Xu Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Clair Yang Assistant Professor, Jackson School of International Studies
Bo Zhao Associate Professor, Department of Geography