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Past Seminars and Recordings

CSDE Seminar Recordings

Did you miss a seminar? We’ve got you covered! CSDE began recording all online seminars starting in Fall quarter of 2020. Seminar recordings are available for public viewing on the CSDE YouTube channel. Click here to view our past seminar recordings and subscribe to our YouTube channel. New recordings will be posted the Monday after each seminar has occurred.

If you have questions, or need assistance accessing the CSDE YouTube channel, please contact the CSDE Program Coordinator (

Past Seminar Listing

Academic Year


Date Title Speaker(s)
06/06/2025 Closing Reception 2025: Celebration of Trainees' Accomplishments

Closing Reception: Celebration of Trainees’ Accomplishments

Parrington Hall 320

05/30/2025 Paradoxes of Childlessness in Two Divergent Family Contexts

Holly Hummer, Sociology, University of British Columbia

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

05/23/2025 Moving Toward a GCC-Model of Temporary Worker Migration?: Lessons from Qatar on the Formalization of Labor Precarity

Natasha Iskander, Wagner School of Public Service, New York University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Iskander during their visit on May 23rd

05/02/2025 Life Course Dynamics of Gendered Racism and U.S. Black Women’s Health

Christy Erving, Sociology, University of Texas – Austin

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Erving during their visit on May 2nd

04/25/2025 Re-institutionalization of Marriage Among Young People in Taiwan

Lake Lui, Sociology, National Taiwan University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Ultra-Low Birth Societies Conference – East Asia Center

04/18/2025 Tracking Conflict and Cholera from Space: Using Night Lights to Measure Infrastructure Collapse and Recovery, Population Displacement, and Disease Risk

Daniel Parker, Population Health & Disease Prevention, University of California Irvine

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Parker during their visit on April 18th

04/04/2025 Population Association of America Annual Meeting 2025: Practice Talks
  • David Coomes, Epidemiology
  • Katie Paulson, Biostatistics
  • Jessica Warren, Sociology
12/06/2024 CSDE Autumn 2024 Lightning Talk & Poster Session


Isaac Sederbaum, Doctoral Candidate, Evans School of Public Policy

“I Deadnamed Myself Until my Documents Matched”: Trans People and the Psychological Costs of Citizen-State Interactions in the US

Mingze Li, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Broadcast Information Diffusion Integrates Social Media Discourse: The Moderating Role of Political Penetration in Discussion Contexts

Sarah Kilpatrick, MS Student, Data Science

Estimating Connections Between Wildfire Smoke Impact and Respiratory-Related Mortality in Fresno, California

Man-Lin Chen, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Classroom Culture: Understanding the Factors Shaping Adolescent Status Hierarchy


Desiree Salais, Phd Student, Sociology


11/15/2024 Climate Change and Fertility

Josh Wilde, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Wilde during their visit on November 15th

11/08/2024 Some Overlooked Stories: Gentrification in Small Metros and Suburbs

Hyojung Lee, City Planning & Environmental Studies, Seoul National University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Lee during their visit on November 8th

11/01/2024 Measuring and Modeling the Impact of Partisanship Differences in Health Behaviors on COVID-19 Disease Spread

Audrey Dorélien, Sociology, University of Washington

Joined by Chris Soria, Demography PhD Student, University of California Berkley

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

10/25/2024 Sandy Soils and Earthly (Dis)contents: Plantation Legacies, Agricultural Consciousness, and Environmental Imagination in Fiji

Ipsita Dey, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

10/18/2024 Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Times

Author: Erin McElroy, Geography, University of Washington

Critics: Nassim Parvin, Information School, University of Washington; Jenna Grant, Anthropology, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

10/11/2024 Crowded Out: The Costs and Consequences of Crowdfunding Healthcare

Author: Nora Kenworthy, School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Washington – Bothell

Critics: Anjum Hajat, Epidemiology, University of Washington; Amy Hagopian, Public Health, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE


10/04/2024 Taking the Population Control Out of Family Planning Measurement (and Measuring Autonomy Instead)

Leigh Senderowicz, Gender & Women’s Studies and Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Follow this link to sign up for a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Senderowicz during their visit on October 4th.

09/27/2024 CSDE Academic Year 2024-2025 Opening Reception
05/31/2024 Closing Reception: Celebration of Trainees' Accomplishments

Closing Reception: Celebration of Trainees’ Accomplishments

Parrington Hall 320

05/24/2024 Measuring the Hidden Burden of Violence: Use of Explicit and Proxy Diagnoses Codes for Violence Identification and its Association with Economic Hardship

Jeanie Santaularia, Epidemiology, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

05/17/2024 CSSS 25th Anniversary Celebration - Measuring and Understanding the Dynamics of Populations of Scholars

Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany

Intellectual House

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

05/10/2024 Demographic Approaches to Studying Structural Oppression

Patricia Homan, Sociology, Florida State University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with Dr. Homan here on May 10th

05/03/2024 Patchwork Apartheid: Private Restriction, Racial Segregation, and Urban Inequality

Colin Gordon, History, University of Iowa

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with Dr. Gordon here on May 3rd

04/26/2024 Nature Contact and Human Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Community Partnerships

Greg Bratman, Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

04/12/2024 Population Association of America Annual Meeting: Practice Talks

CSDE Trainees PAA Practice Talks

04/05/2024 Displacing Kinship: an Affective and Aesthetic Study of the Vietnamese Refugee Family

Linh Thủy Nguyễn, American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

03/29/2024 States’ COVID-19 Mitigation Policies and Psychological Wellbeing, Drug Overdose, and Suicide among U.S. Working-Age Adults

Shannon Monnat, Sociology, Syracuse University

Online Only

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

03/08/2024 CSDE Winter 2024 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Hana Brown, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Evaluating the Influence of Colorism on the Risk of Pregnancy Loss Among American Women

Courtney Allen, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Reforestation and Population Age Structure

June Yang, PhD Candidate, Sociology

Gender Differences in Perceptions of Cohabitation in China: A Method Experiment

Ihsan Kahveci, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Mode and Instrument Comparison of Surveys on Homelessness with Respondent-Driven Sampling

03/01/2024 Panel: Climate Impacts on Population Health: Data Science, Demography, & Disparities

Sameer Shah, School of Environmental & Forest Sciences, UW

Karen Chen, CBE: Urban Design & Planning, UW

Joan Casey, University of Washington – School of Public Health, UW

Kris Ebi (moderator), School of Public Health, UW

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

02/23/2024 Modelling Migration to Understand Demographic Change

James Raymer, School of Demography, Australian National University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

02/16/2024 Riding the Leviathan: Gender, Fertility, and Selfhood in Autocratic China

Yun Zhou, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with Dr. Zhou here on February 16th

02/09/2024 A Race Conscious Approach to Investigating U.S. Endometrial Cancer Inequity

Kemi Doll, School of Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington

Hans Rosling Center Room 101

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

02/02/2024 What Changed Between Gen X and Millennials? Investigating Recent Declines in US Fertility

Janna Johnson, Hubert H. Humphery School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join By Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with Dr. Johnson here on February 2nd

01/26/2024 Panel: Demographic Methods for Estimating Mortality During Armed Conflict

Amy Hagopian, School of Public Health, UW

Abraham D. Flaxman, School of Public Health, UW

Patrick Heuveline, Department of Sociology, UCLA

Orsola Torrisi, Division of Social Science, New York University Abu Dhabi

Nathalie Williams (moderator), Department of Sociology and Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

01/19/2024 Strengths-Based Approaches to Indigenous Health Research: Lessons from an Exploration of Historical Trauma Exposure

Rachel Wilbur, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with Dr. Wilbur here on January 19th

01/12/2024 Relational One Health: A More-than-biomedical Approach to More-than-human Health

Julianne Meisner, Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington

Hans Rosling Center Room 101

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

01/05/2024 Settler Love is Breaking our Hearts: Colonialism and Emergent Ecologies of Health on the Western Grassland Prairies

Rick Smith, Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies, George Mason University

Parrington Hall Room 360

To Join by Zoom: Register HERE

Link to meet with him here on January 5th

12/08/2023 CSDE Autumn 2023 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Hugo Aguas, PhD Student, Sociology

Housing Precariousness Relationships to Household Composition Amongst Hispanic Renters 2020-2023

Breon Haskett, PhD Student, Sociology

Nowhere Bound: Industrial Pull Factors in the US

Julie Kim, PhD Student, Health Metrics Sciences

Global Improvements in the Representation of Women in Science Have Stalled

Bocheng Zhang, PhD Student, Economics

Language Assimilation as a Determinant of School Attendance for Immigrant Children

Organizer: Elizabeth Nova, PhD Student, Sociology

12/01/2023 The Geography of Family Caregiving in an Aging Society

Stipica Mudrazija, Health Systems and Population Health, UW

Register HERE.

11/17/2023 Overcoming Institutional Closure in Immigration Research: How TRAC Uses Public Records Requests to Study the Deportation State

Austin Kocher, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), Syracuse University

CSDE Winter 2024 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Register HERE.

11/03/2023 Project NEXUS: Methodology and Results from a Survey of People Who Use Drugs at 9 U.S. Syringe Services Programs

Sara Glick, Department of Medicine, UW & Public Health – Seattle & King County

Register HERE.

10/27/2023 Success or Self-Sufficiency? The Role of Race in Refugees' Long-Term Economic Outcomes

Rebbeca Tesfai, Department of Sociology, Temple University

Register HERE.

10/20/2023 Uncovering the Precursors of Change: Examining Cross-Racial Youth Mentoring Relationships Between Non-Black Mentors and Black Youth

Kristian Jones, School of Social Work, UW

Register for Zoom link HERE.

10/13/2023 Climate Change, Displacement and Health in Pakistan

Ayaz Qureshi, School of Social and Political Science, The University of Edinburgh

Register for Zoom link HERE.

10/06/2023 Community Land Trust and Shared Equity Homeownership Programs in the U.S.

Ruoniu (Vince) Wang, Runstad Department of Real Estate, UW

Register for Zoom link HERE.

09/29/2023 CSDE Opening Reception

Join us between Raitt and Savery Halls for refreshments, to celebrate the start of a new academic year, and to hear what CSDE has in store!

06/02/2023 Closing Reception: Celebration of Trainees' Accomplishments

CSDE Community


If you would like to attend remotely, please register HERE.

If you would like to attend in person, please join us in Hans Rosling Center, Room 101.

05/26/2023 Constructing Segregation: Examining Social and Spatial Division in Road Networks

Elizabeth Roberto, Department of Sociology, Rice University

Register HERE.

05/19/2023 The Role of Academic Research in the Pursuit of Accountability for Climate Damages

Sarah Myhre, Ph.D.


Comments by Sara Curran and Nicole Errett.

Register HERE.

05/12/2023 Panel: Global & Interdisciplinary Insights on Gender and Empowerment

Isabelle Cohen, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, UW

Arjee Restar, Epidemiology and Health Systems and Population Health, UW

Emma Riley, Economics, UW

Register HERE.

05/05/2023 Heterogeneous Neighborhood Effects on Young Adult Educational Outcomes

George Galster, Clarence Hilberry Professor of Urban Affairs, Emeritus, Wayne State University

Register HERE.

04/28/2023 Author Meets Critic: The Refugee System by Rawan Arar and David FitzGerald


Rawan Arar, Department of Sociology, University of Washington

David FitzGerald, Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego


Kathie Friedman, Jackson School of International Studies, Departments of Sociology and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, UW

Nathalie Williams, Jackson School of International Studies and Department of Sociology, UW

Register HERE.

04/21/2023 Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development: Evidence from the Rohingya Refugees

Asad Islam, Department of Economics, Monash University

Register HERE.

04/14/2023 No Seminar - PAA Conference
04/07/2023 Immigrant Policy Exclusions and the Health of Latinx and Asian Immigrants in California

Maria-Elena Young, Public Health, University of California, Merced

Register HERE.

03/31/2023 The Effect of COVID Infection on Infant Health: Trends over the Course of the Pandemic

Florencia Torche, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University

Register HERE.

03/10/2023 Winter 2023 Lightning Talks and Poster Session
03/03/2023 Panel: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) an Introduction to Analysis of Innovative and Sensitive Information within a Secured Computing Environment

Robert Hummer, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina

Luciana Hebert, College of Medicine, Washington State University

Phil Hurvitz, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, UW

Register HERE.

02/24/2023 The Global Aspirational Class and Its Demographic Fortunes

Sonalde Desai, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland

Register HERE.

02/17/2023 Panel: Analysis of U.S. Immigration Detention and Enforcement Dynamics

Phil Neff, UW Center for Human Rights

Maria Vignau Loria, Department of Sociology, UW

Trung-Anh Nguyen, Department of Political Science, Duke University

June Yang, Department of Sociology, UW

Angelina Godoy, UW Center for Human Rights

Register HERE.

02/10/2023 Guiding End-of-Life Care Planning with Cultural Contexts and Cognitive Impairment in Mind: Findings from Qualitative Interviews in South Korea and the US

Jung-Hwa Ha, Department of Social Welfare, Seoul National University

Register HERE.

02/03/2023 Reproductive Justice: Historical Context and Contemporary Implications for Population Health

Monica McLemore, School of Nursing, UW

Meghan Eagen-Torkko, School of Nursing and Health Studies, UW Bothell

Taylor Riley, Epidemiology, UW

Moderated by Anjum Hajat, Epidemiology, UW

Register HERE.

01/27/2023 Assessing the Experiences of Migrants in Need of Protection in Latin America

Abigail Weitzman, Department of Sociology, University of Texas

Register HERE.

01/20/2023 Of Boys and Men: Why is the Modern Male Struggling?

Richard Reeves, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution

Register HERE.

01/13/2023 Panel: Migration in Ukraine during the Russian Invasion

Dr. Brienna Perelli-Harris, University of Southampton

Dr. Cynthia Buckley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne

Dr. Martin Piotrowski, University of Oklahoma

Moderated by Nathalie Williams, Jackson School of International Studies and Department of Sociology, UW

Register HERE.

01/06/2023 Predicting Individual-Level Mortality with Traditional and Machine Learning Methods

Nicholas Irons, PhD Student, Department of Statistics, UW

Register HERE.

12/09/2022 CSDE Autumn 2022 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

David Coomes, CSDE Fellow and Doctoral Student in Epidemiology

Elizabeth Nova, Doctoral Student in Sociology

Larisa Ozeryansky, Doctoral Student in IIPhD (The Graduate School)

Leo Stewart, CSDE Fellow and Doctoral Student in Information Science

Becka Walcott, Doctoral Student in Public Policy

12/02/2022 Gendered Effects of Intergenerational Social Mobility: Evidence from the General Social Survey

Liying Luo, Department of Sociology and Criminology, Pennsylvania State University

Register HERE.

11/18/2022 Panel: Applied Demography Insights from Washington State

Dr. Taylor Danielson and Dr. Deleena Patton, WA State Department of Social and Health Services

Moderated by Jennie Romich, School of Social Work, UW

Register HERE.

11/04/2022 Like Grandfather, Like Grandson? Multigenerational Mobility in American History

Zach Ward, Department of Economics, Baylor University

Register HERE.

10/28/2022 Lessons from a Century of Black Migration

Tod Hamilton, Department of Sociology, Princeton University

Register HERE.

10/21/2022 Earnings Assimilation Within and Across Immigrant Generations: Evidence from Administrative Records

Andrés Villarreal, Department of Sociology, UCLA

Register HERE.

10/14/2022 Ethical Dilemmas in Relocation as Climate Change Adaptation

AR Siders, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration & Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, University of Delaware

Register HERE.

10/07/2022 Panel: Climate and Health, Washington 2022 Report

Climate and Health/Washington 2022: A Special Report on Impacts and Solutions Editors, Drs. Howard Frumkin and Mark Vossler & Jeremy Hess, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, UW


Moderated by Ann Bostrom, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, UW, and Peter Catron, Department of Sociology, UW.

Register HERE.

09/30/2022 CSDE Opening Reception

Sara Curran

06/03/2022 CSDE End of the Year Reception

CSDE Community


If you would like to attend remotely, please register for our End of the Year Reception HERE.


If you would like to attend in person, please join us in Hans Rosling Center, Room 101.

05/27/2022 Stepping Out of Your Cultural Zone: Gentrification, Aging in Place, and the SHARP Study

Raina Croff, Assistant Professor, Neurology, NIA-Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Oregon Health & Science University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/20/2022 The impact of COVID-19 on Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander well-being

Michael Spencer, Professor, UW Social Work; Director, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Oceania Affairs


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE


05/13/2022 Structural Racism and Health Stratification: A New Theory-Driven Empirical Approach

Tyson Brown, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Director, Center on Health & Society; Associate Scientific Director of Social Sciences, Center on Aging, Duke University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/06/2022 Siting Surveillance: Deportation Threat and Institutional Involvement among Latinos across U.S. Counties

Asad L. Asad, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Stanford University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/29/2022 Climate Migration Across Contexts, Gender, and the Life Course: An Examination in Contemporary Mexico

Fernando Riosmena, Associate Professor, Population Program, Geography Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Institute of Behavioral Science


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/22/2022 Scrutinizing the Science of Sociogenomics

Callie Burt, Associate Professor, Department Criminal Justice & Criminology, Georgia State University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/15/2022 Community poverty reduces social mobility for rural children

Dylan Connor, Assistant Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/08/2022 No Seminar - PAA Conference
04/01/2022 Dying to Count: Post-Abortion Care and Global Reproductive Health Politics in Senegal

Siri Suh, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Brandeis University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

03/25/2022 Spring Break and Finals Week
03/18/2022 Spring Break and Finals Week

There will be no seminars during finals week and Spring Break. The next seminar will be held on 4/1/22. Please join us then, as we kick off the Seminar Series for Spring quarter 2022!

03/11/2022 CSDE Winter 2021 Lightning Talks & Poster Session

Courtney Allen, Doctoral Student, Sociology – Organizer

Nicholas Irons, Doctoral Student, Statistics

Maria Vignau Loria & Aasli Nur, Doctoral Students, Sociology

Zoe Pleasure, Doctoral Student, Health Systems & Population Health

Maitreyi Sahu, Doctoral Student, Health Metrics Sciences

03/04/2022 The Therapeutic Promise: Neuroprediction, Risk, the Violent Brain

Oliver Rollins, UW Department of American Ethnic Studies



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/25/2022 Nourishing Juana Crow: Fragmented Families and Mental Health Injuries

San Juanita Garcia, Assistant Professor, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/18/2022 State-Level Immigration and Immigration-Focused Policies as Drivers of Health Disparities Among Latinx Individuals in the United States: A Mixed Methods Analysis

Morgan Philbin, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/11/2022 All It Takes Is One Block: The Legacy of Redlining in Lethally Surveilled Neighborhoods

Ali Sewell, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Emory University

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/04/2022 CSDE Seminar CANCELLED for February 4, 2022

The CSDE Seminar has been cancelled for 2/4/2022. We will return on Friday, 2/11/2022 with a talk from Ali Sewell, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Emory University. Zoom registration below. See you next week!

Register for next week’s Zoom Seminar on 2/11/2022 HERE

01/28/2022 Utilizing Population-based Data in Adolescent Suicide Research

Meghan Romanelli, UW School of Social Work



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/21/2022 Immigrant Earnings Assimilation in the Age of Modern Mass Migration

Randall Akee, Associate Professor, Public Policy and American Indian Studies, UCLA



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/14/2022 Panel: COVID and Intimate Partner Violence: Insights from Research and Practice

Avanti Adhia, ScD, Postdoctoral Scholar, UW Department of Pediatrics

Lindsey Bullinger, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech

David D. Martin, JD, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chair, Domestic Violence Unit; Co-Chair, Regional Domestic Violence Firearm Enforcement Unit, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

Moderated by:

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MPH, MD, PhD, Bartley Dobb Professor for the Study and Prevention of Violence, UW Department of Epidemiology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/07/2022 The Rise of Alaska Native Corporations in U.S. Government Contracting

Mia Bennett, UW Department of Geography



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

12/31/2021 Winter Break

There will be no seminars during Winter Break. The next seminar will be held on 1/7/22. Please join us then, as we kick off the Seminar Series for Winter quarter 2022!

12/24/2021 Winter Break

There will be no seminars during Winter Break. The next seminar will be held on 1/7/22. Please join us then, as we kick off the Seminar Series for Winter quarter 2022!

12/10/2021 CSDE Autumn 2021 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Courtney Allen, Doctoral Student, Sociology – Organizer

Elizabeth Nova, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Elizabeth Pelletier, Doctoral Candidate, Public Policy

Aja Sutton, Doctoral Candidate, Geography

Ellyn Terry, Doctoral Student, Public Policy

12/03/2021 The Importance of Community-Generated Data for Urban Resilience: Reflecting on Water Stories from Cape Town, South Africa

Gina Ziervogel, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa


Moderated by:

Ann Bostrom, Professor, UW Public Policy and Governance

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

11/19/2021 Small Area Estimation in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Jon Wakefield, Professor, UW Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

11/12/2021 When the Safety Net is a Nurse: Organizational Care Work in the Context of State Retrenchment

LaTonya Trotter, Associate Professor, UW Department of Bioethics and Humanities


Moderated by:

Amy Bailey, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Illinois – Chicago




Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

11/05/2021 Annotating Social Determinants of Health Using Active Learning, and Characterizing Determinants Using Neural Event Extraction

Kevin Lybarger, Postdoctoral Fellow, UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/29/2021 Inequality, Immigration, & Ethnoracial Stratification in the US

Carlos Becerra, Administrator, Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center (NWFSRDC)


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/22/2021 Racialized Representations of Neighborhood Quality Across 16 US Metro Areas

Ian Kennedy, UW Department of Sociology



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/15/2021 Panel: Social and Economic Impacts of COVID-19: Focus on Housing, Employment and Food Security

Marissa Baker, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

Rachel Fyall, Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance – UW

Chelsea Rose, Research Coordinator, UW Department of Nutritional Sciences


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/08/2021 (When) Do Transfers Respond to Need? Evidence from Natural Disasters

Benjamin Marx, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Moderated by:

Mark Long, Professor, UW Public Policy and Governance; Adjunct Professor, UW Department of Economics


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

06/04/2021 CSDE Closing Reception

CSDE Community


Register for Closing Reception HERE

05/28/2021 Panel: Issues of Fraud in Research

Melissa Simone, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota

Danielle Woodward, Research Coordinator, Director of Survey Research Division, UW School of Social Work

Christine Leibbrand, Research Scientist, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology, UW Seattle


Moderated by:

Sara Curran, Director, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology, UW Seattle


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/21/2021 Tents in Seattle: Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Tent Encampments

Karen Snedker, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Seattle Pacific University


Moderated by:

Amy Bailey, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Illinois – Chicago


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/14/2021 Estimating Total Fertility from the Shape of the Age Pyramid: Bayesian Models and Applications

Carl Schmertmann, PhD, William J. Serow Professor of Economics & Director, Center for Demography and Population Health, Florida State University


Moderated by:

Jon Wakefield, PhD, Professor, UW Departments of Statistics & Biostatistics,



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/05/2021 Population Association of America Annual Meetings (No CSDE Seminar) - May 5 - May 8, 2021

A CSDE seminar will not be held on Friday May 7, 2021. Instead, we invite you to join us in attending the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, which will be held virtually from May 5th – May 8th, 2021!


View the preliminary PAA meeting schedule HERE

Register HERE


At the upcoming 2021 PAA meeting, 24 CSDE Trainees and 16 CSDE Affiliates are scheduled to participate as presenters, chairs, coauthors, and discussants. Our scholars tackle a wide range of demographic issues, represented in the varied presentations listed here.

This year’s conference is happening entirely online from May 5-8. CSDE has supported Trainees and Fellows by awarding PAA registration awards to Courtney Allen, Matt Fowle, Jessica Lapham, Neal Marquez, and Crystal Yu. CSDE Trainees also participated in a PAA workshop led by Christine Leibbrand last Fall, where they received feedback from CSDE Affiliates on drafts of their submissions.

04/30/2021 Do Racial Differences in Coping Resources Explain the Black-White Paradox in Mental Health? A Test of Multiple Mechanisms

Patricia Louie, PhD, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology


Moderated by:

Amelia Gavin, PhD, Associate Professor, UW School of Social Work


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/26/2021 PAA Trainee Presentations

Priya Sarma, The Jackson School of International Studies, UW

Lee Fiorio, Geography, UW

Maria Vignau-Loria, Sociology, UW



Join the Zoom meeting HERE

04/23/2021 Understanding Trends in Mothers’ Work Schedules in the U.S., 1989-2017

Alejandra Ros Pilarz, PhD, Assistant Professor, Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Moderated by:

Jennie Romich, Director, West Coast Poverty Center; Associate Professor, UW Department of Sociology


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/16/2021 Better Understanding Diet & Cardio-Metabolic Health in American Indians

Mandy Fretts, Associate Professor, UW Department of Epidemiology


Moderated by:

Anjum Hajat, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Epidemiology


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/09/2021 Childhood Adversity as a Contributor to Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease

Shakira Suglia, ScD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health – Emory University


Moderated by:

Maria Bleil, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, UW Department of Child, Family and Population Health Nursing


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE


04/02/2021 Partnering with a Global Platform to inform Research and Public Policy-making: What needs to be in place to make a Global COVID-19 Survey work?

Frauke Kreuter, PhD

Professor, Statistics and Data Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology & Co-director, Social Data Science Center, University of Maryland


Moderated by:

Zack Almquist, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

03/12/2021 CSDE Winter 2021 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Maxine Wright, Doctoral Student, Sociology – Organizer

Larissa Caldera, Sociology

David Coomes, Epidemiology,

Matt Fowle, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Nick Hadjimichael, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Taehoon Kwon, Economics

Ferdous Zaman Sardar, Economics

Carolina Coimbra Vieira, Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography at Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE


03/05/2021 Institutional Castling: Military Enlistment and Mass Incarceration in the United States

Bryan Sykes, Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/26/2021 Estimating Adult Mortality Using Sampled Social Network Data: Evidence from Brazil

Dennis Feehan, Professor & Director of Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Georgia

Moderated by:

Zack Almquist, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/19/2021 Partition Theorem in Populations and its Role in Determining the Stationary Status of a Population

Arni Rao, Professor & Director of Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Georgia

Moderated by:

David Swanson, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology at University of California, Riverside


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/12/2021 Adding Demographic Information to Administrative Data

Jennie Romich, Associate Professor, UW School of Social Work

Mark Long, Professor, UW Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

Elizabeth Pelletier, Doctoral Candidate, UW Evans School of Public Policy & Governance


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

02/05/2021 New Methodologies in the Study of Migrations & Settlements

Zack Almquist, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology

Rawan Arar, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Law, Societies, and Justice

Peter Catron, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/29/2021 Panel: Climate Migration

Sara Curran, Professor, UW Department of Sociology

Jeremy Hess, Professor, UW Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

Nathalie Williams, Associate Professor, UW Department of Sociology



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE


01/22/2021 Understanding Breast Cancer as a Complex System

Robert Hiatt, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at University of California, San Francisco; Associate Director of Population Sciences at Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/15/2021 Participation in Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program: A Comparison of the 2017 and 2019 Election Cycles

Brian McCabe, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology at Georgetown University

Jennifer Heerwig, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology at Stony Brook University


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

01/08/2021 Cesarean Birth and Infant Health and Breastfeeding Outcomes in a Marginalized Indigenous Community in Argentina: Risk Pathways and Local Context

Melanie Martin, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Anthropology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

12/11/2020 CSDE Autumn 2020 Lightning Talk & Poster Session

Maxine Wright, Doctoral Student, Sociology – Organizer

Zhaowen Guo, Doctoral Student, Political Science

Yohan Min, Doctoral Candidate, Built Environments

Vedavati Patwardhan, Doctoral Candidate, Public Policy

Isaac Sederbaum, Doctoral Student, Public Policy

Ellie Terry, Doctoral Student, Public Policy

June Yang, Doctoral Student, Sociology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

12/04/2020 COVID-19 & Child Wellbeing: A Multi-disciplinary Conversation about the Pandemic's Effects on Children

Emiko A. Tajima, Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and Executive Director of Partners for our Children

Liliana J. Lengua, Psychology Professor and Director of the University of Washington Center for Child and Family Well-being

Anisa M. Ibrahim, Clinical Assistant Professor of UW Pediatrics and Harborview Pediatric Clinic Medical Director


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE.

11/20/2020 Panel: Displacement in Historically Black Neighborhoods (Co-Sponsored by Urban@UW)

Donald King, UW Department of Architecture

Rachel Berney, UW Department of Urban Design & Planning

Lynne Manzo, UW Department of Landscape Architecture

Kristin McCowan, UW School of Social Work

Inye Wokoma, Ijo Arts Media Group

Anaid Yerena, UW School of Urban Studies

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

11/13/2020 Gender, Race, and Intersectionality in Campaign Finance

Jake Grumbach, UW Department of Political Science

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

11/06/2020 Returning to a New Mexican Labor Market? Regional Variation in the Economic Incorporation of Return Migrants from the U.S. to Mexico

Claudia Masferrer, Associate Professor at El Colegio de México; Adjunct Professor at McGill University

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/30/2020 Racism as a Social Determinant of Equity

Wendy Barrington, UW Department of Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/23/2020 Heterogeneity in Migrant Health Selection: The Role of Immigrant Visas

Brittany Morey, Assistant Professor of Public Health at University of California, Irvine

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/16/2020 Policy Analytics and Population Health

Chris Adolph, UW Department of Political Science; UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
Beatrice Magistro, UW Department of Political Science
Ali Mokdad, UW Department of Health Metrics Sciences

Nicole Errett, UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

Scott Miles, UW College of Engineering

Youngjun Choe, UW College of Engineering



Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/09/2020 Deprivation and Mortality in the United States, 1999-2018

Magali Barbieri, Associate Director of Human Mortality Database at UC Berkeley

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

10/02/2020 Autumn 2020 Opening Reception

CSDE Community

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

06/05/2020 CSDE Closing Reception

Register for Zoom Closing Reception HERE

05/29/2020 The Residua of Health Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Rachel Robinson, American University School of International Service

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/22/2020 Is War Hard on the Heart? Gender, Wartime Stress and Late Life Cardiovascular Conditions in a Population of Vietnamese Older Adults

Kim Korinek, University of Utah Department of Sociology and Asian Studies Program

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/15/2020 COVID Data, COVID Models: Trailing Indicators, Leading Indicators, and the IHME Health Service Utilization Model

Abraham Flaxman, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Ali Mokdad, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/08/2020 Differential Privacy and the 2020 Decennial Census: Implications for Social Scientists

David Van Riper, Minnesota Population Center

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

05/01/2020 When the Ends Don’t Meet: The Economic Survival Strategies of African American Grandmothers Raising Their Grandchildren

LaShawnDa Pittman, UW American Ethnic Studies

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/24/2020 You Won't Believe How Much You Need This: Accounting for ZIP Code Boundary Changes, 1990 - 2015

Amy Bailey, UIC Department of Sociology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/17/2020 Coronavirus Panel

Ann Bostrom, UW Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Nicole Errett, UW Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Steve Goodreau, UW Anthropology
Martina Morris, UW Sociology

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/10/2020 Creating Moves to Opportunity: Experimental Evidence on Barriers to Neighborhood Choice

Stefanie DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

04/03/2020 Deep Fake in Geography? When Geospatial Data Encounter Artificial Intelligence

Bo Zhao, UW Department of Geography

Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

03/13/2020 CSDE Winter 2020 Trainees' Lightning Talks and Poster Session (Now Virtual via Zoom)

Emily Pollock (Session Organizer), Anthropology
William Atienza, Sociology
Jessica Godwin, Statistics
Beatrix Haddock, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Applied Math
Ian Kennedy, Sociology
Neal Marquez, Sociology
Yohan Min, College of Built Environments
Nathan Welch, Statistics

03/06/2020 CANCELLED: Life Expectancy and Health Expectancy in the 21st Century: The Inconceivable, the Unthinkable, and the Unknowable

Eileen Crimmins, School of Gerontology, University of Southern California

02/28/2020 Trends in U.S. Mortality 1990-2017

Irma Elo, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

02/21/2020 Elder Orphans in the Community: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Data from the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) Study

Janelle S. Taylor, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto

02/14/2020 Panel: Social Demography of Homelessness

Rachel Fyall, UW Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Horacio de Iglesia, UW Department of Biology
Andria Lazaga, Seattle Housing Authority

02/07/2020 Intergenerational Educational Mobility among Mexican Americans Across the 20th Century

Jennifer Van Hook, Department of Sociology, Pennsylvania State University

01/31/2020 The Health of Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: What We Know and Future Directions for Research

India Ornelas, Department of Health Services, UW School of Public Health

01/24/2020 An Evaluation of the Gender Wage Gap using Linked Census and Administrative Records

Thomas B. (Brad) Foster, U.S. Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies

01/17/2020 An Earth-Scientist's View of Human Population Dynamics

Stephen Warren, UW Department of Atmospheric Sciences and UW Department of Earth & Space Sciences

01/10/2020 Fathers' Multiple-Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational Outcomes

Robert Pollak, Department of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis

12/06/2019 CSDE Fall 2019 Biannual Lightning Talks and Poster Session

Kathy Jung, PhD Student, Economics
Nicole Kovski, PhD Student, Public Policy
Hannah Lee, PhD Student, Sociology
Claire Rothschild, PhD Candidate, Epidemiology
Esteban Valencia, MPH Student, Epidemiology and Public Health
Hunter York, MPH Student, Global Health

11/22/2019 Author Meets Critics: Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty

Scott W. Allard, Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

11/15/2019 Point of Reference: A Multidimensional Understanding of Migration, Fertility, and Reproductive Health

Julia Behrman, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University

11/08/2019 Panel: Social Demography of Homelessness

Natasha Rivers, Sustainability & Measurement Program Manager, BECU
Gregg Colburn, Assistant Professor, UW College of Built Environments
Seema Clifasefi, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Co-Director, Harm Reduction Research & Treatment Center

11/01/2019 [Cancelled] - Redistricting and the US Census

Peter A. Morrison, Ph.D., President, Morrison & Associates, Inc.

10/25/2019 Childbearing Worldviews and Contraceptive Behavior among Young U.S. Women

Emily A. Marshall, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Health, Franklin and Marshall College Sociology Department

10/18/2019 Disaster Maps and a Survey Comparison of Displaced Populations in the Cyclone Fani Region 6 Months after Landfall

Zack Almquist, Research Scientist, Demography and Survey Sciences Group, Facebook

10/11/2019 The 50th Anniversary of Stonewall: Advancing Research on the Health and Well-being of LGBTQ Elders

Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, Ph.D., Professor, UW Department of Sociology and UW Director of Healthy Generations

10/04/2019 Autumn 2019 Opening Reception

CSDE Community

06/07/2019 CSDE End-of-Year Reception

CSDE Community

*Note: this event is in Denny Hall

05/31/2019 The Effects of Social Mobility on Individuals: An Initial Sketch of a Positional Sociology

Fabian Pfeffer, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan & Research Assistant Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

05/24/2019 Network Partitioning and Social Exclusion under Different Selection Regimes

Alan Griffith, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, UW

05/17/2019 The Effects of the Emeryville Fair Workweek Ordinance on the Daily Lives of Low-Wage Workers and their Families

Anna Gassman-Pines, Associate Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy, Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University

05/10/2019 Quantification of Biological Aging for Testing Interventions to Extend Healthy Lifespan

Daniel Belsky, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University & Robert N Butler Columbia Aging Center

05/03/2019 Pay Unto Caesar: Breaches of Justice in the Monetary Sanctions Regime

Mary Pattillo, Professor, Department of Sociology and African American Studies, Northwestern University

04/26/2019 Crime, Migration, and Community Change

Jenna Nobles, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

04/19/2019 UW Data Collaborative (UWDC) Launch Party

Matthew Hall, Science Core Director, CSDE

*Note: there is no seminar on 4/12 due to PAA. This event is on 4/19, at 3:00 PM in the Suzzallo Library

04/05/2019 PAA Practice Presentations

Hilary Wething, Public Policy
Christine Leibbrand, Sociology
Ian Kennedy, Sociology
Lauren Wyszynski, IHME
Yuan Hsiao, Sociology and Statistics
Neal Marquez, Sociology

03/15/2019 CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session

Erin Carll, Sociology
Xinguang Fan, Sociology
Lee Fiorio, Geography
Emily Pollock, Anthropology
Hilary Wething, Public Policy

03/08/2019 Have U.S. States Contributed to the Growing Inequalities in Life Expectancy?

Jennifer Karas Montez, Professor, Sociology, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

03/01/2019 Leaning In to the ‘Third Shift’: Intensive Grandmothering and Family Inequality

Jennifer Utrata, Burkhardt Fellow, Visiting Affiliate at CSDE & Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Puget Sound

02/22/2019 What Lies Ahead: The Long-Term Impacts of Rising Disaster Costs on Social Inequality

James R Elliott, Professor, Department of Sociology, Rice University

02/15/2019 Psychological Stress and Accelerated Reproductive Aging over the Life Course: Implications for Health and Disease in Women

Maria Bleil, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Child Nursing, School of Nursing, UW

02/08/2019 Intermittent Labor Force Participation: a Source of Bias?: An Experimental Approach Examining Mechanisms and Types of Discrimination

Kate Weisshaar, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

02/01/2019 Understanding the Correlation between Alzheimer’s Disease Polygenic Risk, Wealth, and the Composition of Wealth Holdings

Dean Lillard, Professor, Department of Human Sciences, Ohio State University

01/25/2019 Panel on the Health Risks of Climate Change

Kristie Ebi, Professor, Global Health & Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, UW
Jeffrey Duchin, Professor, Medicine – Allergy and Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology, UW
Sam Sellers, Senior Fellow, CHanGE, Global Health, UW

01/18/2019 The Melting-Pot Problem? The Persistence and Convergence of Premigration Socioeconomic Status in the Age of Mass Migration

Peter Catron, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, UW

01/11/2019 Panel on Alcohol and Population Health

Emmanuela Gakidou, Professor, Health Metrics Sciences, Adjunct Professor, Global Health & Health Services, UW
Emily Williams, Associate Professor, Health Services, UW
Jennifer Velloza, PhD, Epidemiology, School of Public Health, UW
Jane M Simoni, Professor, Psychology, Adjunct Professor, Global Health & Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

12/07/2018 CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session

Benjamin Jones and Nicole Chartier, Linguistics
Neal Marquez, Sociology
Charles C Lanfear, Sociology
Daphne Liu, Statistics
Adrien Allorant, Global Health

11/30/2018 Children of Migrants in 21st Century China: Trends, Family, and Geography

Kam Wing Chan, Department of Geography, UW

11/16/2018 Symposium and Reception Honoring Professor Charles Hirschman - Looking Back to Find the Future: Reflections from Social Science for a Changing World
Featured speakers include:
Patrick Heuveline (UCLA), Maria-Giovanna Merli (Duke University), Alejandro Portes (Princeton University & University of Miami), Kenneth Prewitt (Columbia University), Marta Tienda (Princeton University)
11/09/2018 Marking the 100th anniversary of the 1918 "Spanish" flu pandemic: Selective mortality and the impact on other diseases

Andrew Noymer, Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention, University of California, Irvine

11/02/2018 UW Symposium on Family Planning, Contraception and Abortion

8:00 AM-2:30 PM PT
Walker-Ames Room in Kane Hall

Registration only

10/26/2018 Bayesian Propagation of Record Linkage Uncertainty into Population Size Estimation with Application to Human Rights Violations

Mauricio Sadinle, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, UW

10/19/2018 Social Gradients in Gene Regulation in Nonhuman Primates

Jenny Tung, Department of Biology, Duke University

10/12/2018 Beyond the Nuclear Family: Children and Shared Living Arrangements

Natasha Pilkauskas, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

10/05/2018 Opening Reception

CSDE Community

06/01/2018 End of Year Reception

CSDE Community

05/25/2018 The Effect of Air Pollution on Migration: Evidence from China

Paulina Oliva, Department of Economics, UC Irvine

05/18/2018 Chronic Diseases of Aging in an Evolutionary Context

Ben Trumble, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Center for Evolution and Medicine, at Arizona State University

05/11/2018 Population Health Panel

Anjum Hajat, Assistant Professor, Epidemiology, UW

Jessica Jones-Smith, Associate Professor, Nutrition, Health Services, Epidemiology, UW

Jennifer Otten, Assistant Professor, Nutrition, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Health Services, UW

James Buszkiewicz, doctoral student, Epidemiology, UW

Organized by: David Grembowski


05/04/2018 Probabilistic Method for Combining Internal Migration Data

Guy Abel, Asian Demographic Research Institute and the Vienna Institute of Demography

An Earl and Edna Stice Memorial Lecture

04/20/2018 PAA Trainee Presentations

Rebecca Rebbe, Social Work, UW

Lee Fiorio, Geography, UW

Connor Gilroy, Sociology, UW

04/13/2018 Panel on Youth Violence

Callie Burt, Department of Sociology, UW

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Department of Epidemiology, UW

Richard Catalano, Jr, School of Social Work, UW

organized by: Ann Bostrom

04/06/2018 EITC Expansion, Earnings Growth, and Inequality: Evidence from Washington DC

Bradley Hardy, Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University

03/30/2018 Not Quite a Pill Mill: Effects of PDMPs on Over-prescribing Providers

Jevay Grooms, Department of Pharmacy, University of Washington

03/09/2018 CSDE Lightning Talks & Poster Session

Francisca Gomez Baeza, Sociology
Roy Burstein, Global Health
Iffat Chowdhury, Economics
Nikki Eller, Health Services
Peiran Liu, Statistics


03/02/2018 Climate Change Panel

Leigh Anderson, Professor and Associate Dean for Innovation, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, UW

Kyle Armour, Assistant Professor, School of Oceanography and Department of Atmospheric Sciences, UW

Ben Fitzhugh, Professor of Anthropology and Director of Quaternary Research Center, UW

Nathalie Williams, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Jackson School of International Studies, UW

Organized by: Ann Bostrom, Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, UW

02/23/2018 Population causal inference: old wine in a new bottle?

Gary Chan, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Health Services, UW

02/16/2018 Expanding Participation in Municipal Campaigns: Evaluating the Impact of Seattle's Democracy Voucher Program

Brian McCabe, Associate Professor of Sociology, Georgetown University

02/09/2018 Risk markers for intent-specific firearm injury in arrest and medical records: A Seattle case-control study

Brianna Mills, Research Scientist, Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

02/02/2018 The Uptick in Income Segregation: Real Trend or Random Sampling Variation?

Andrew Foster, Department of Economics, Brown University

01/26/2018 Researching Housing and Homelessness Dynamics Using Administrative Data

Chriss Hess, Erin Carll, and Kyle Crowder, Sociology, UW

Ariel Rokem, Bryna Hazelton, and Tim Thomas, eScience Institute, UW

01/19/2018 The Challenge of Household Air Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa: Pathways to Scaling-up Clean(er) Cooking

Pamela Jagger, Department of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

01/12/2018 From Housing Research to Housing Policy

Gregg Colburn and Rebecca J. Walter, College of Built Environments, UW

Rachel Fyall, Evans School, UW

Anaid Yerena, Urban Studies, UW-Tacoma

Moderated by Lynne Manzo, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, UW

01/05/2018 Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center Panel

Ben Cerf, Administrator, NWFSRDC

Mark Ellis, Geography, UW & Director, NWFSRDC

Christine Leibbrand, Sociology, UW

12/08/2017 Health Care as a Right of Citizenship: The Continuing Evolution of Reform

Gunnar Almgren, School of Social Work, UW
Paul Burstein, Department of Sociology, UW

12/01/2017 Demography Student Poster Session & Lightning Talks

Erin Carll, Sociology
Youngjun Choi, Social Work
Lee Fiorio, Geography
Connor Gilroy, Sociology
Chris Hess, Sociology
Yuan Hsiao, Sociology
Yicheng Li, Statistics
Neal Marquez, Sociology

11/17/2017 Fertility Decline in Africa: Are the Determinants Different?

John Casterline, Department of Sociology, Ohio State University

11/03/2017 Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage and Adult Social and Economic Well-Being: Evidence from Sibling and Cousin Fixed Effects Ssing the NLSY

Steven Alvarado, Department of Sociology, Cornell University

10/27/2017 Unequal Mortality at Older Ages: Early Results from a New, Big Data Set

Josh Goldstein, Department of Demography, UC Berkeley

10/20/2017 Moving to Despair? Migration and Well-Being in Pakistan

Valerie Mueller, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University

10/13/2017 Neither Here nor There? How the New Geography of Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship Disadvantages African Americans

Mahesh Somashekhar, Department of Sociology, UW

10/06/2017 Symposium in Honor of Stewart Tolnay

Pete Guest, Steve Ruggles, Robert Adelman, Katherine Curtis, David Jacobs, Amy Bailey, and Ryan Gabriel

09/29/2017 Opening Reception

CSDE Community

06/02/2017 End of Year Reception

CSDE Community

05/26/2017 From Payday Loans to Pawn Shops: Predatory Lending, the Unbanked, and Poor Health

Anjum Hajat, Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington

05/19/2017 Bacon Versus Brocoli: A Nuanced Look at the Contradictory Research on the Health Effects of Omniverious Versus Plant-Based Diets

Hilary Bethancourt, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington

05/12/2017 Welfare Rules, Incentives, and Family Structure

Robert Moffitt, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University

05/05/2017 Population Dynamics, Poverty, and Policy

Robert Plotnick, Scott Allard, and Marieka Klawitter, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, UW

Jennifer Romich, School of Social Work, UW

04/21/2017 PAA Practice Session

Christine Leibbrand, Stastistics, UW

Lee Fiorio, Geography, UW

Jessica Godwin, Statistics, UW

04/14/2017 The Amish in the 21st Century

Elizabeth Cooksey, Department of Sociology, Ohio State University

04/07/2017 Trends in Voting in South Africa from 2003-2014

Barbara A. Anderson, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan

03/31/2017 Discerning Risk: How Cardiometabolic Macro-trends Make Well-being Invisible in Samoa

Jessica Hardin, Anthropology, Pacific University

03/10/2017 Demography Student Poster Session & Lightning Talks

Tiffany Pan, Anthropology

Jagori Saha, Economics

Lee Fiorio, Geography

Jessica Godwin, Statistics

Charles Lanfear, Sociology

03/03/2017 When Sex and Gender Collide: The TransYouth Project

Kristina Olson, Department of Psychology, University of Washington

02/21/2017 Income Inequality and Health

Ichiro Kawachi, School of Public Health, Harvard University

02/17/2017 Lifespan and Healthspan: Past, Present, Promise

Eileen Crimmins, Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California

02/10/2017 What Can Biological Data Contribute to Population Research?

Dan Eisenberg, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington

Lisa Jones-Engel, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington

Callie Burt, Department of Sociology, University of Washington

02/03/2017 Do Recent Declines in U.S. Life Expectancy Signal Bad News for Healthy Life Expectancy?

Mark Hayward, Department of Sociology, University of Texas

01/27/2017 Research Funding and Subsequent Outcomes of Underrepresented Doctoral Students in STEM Fields

Benjamin Cerf, NWFSRDC, US Census

01/20/2017 Coupling Minimum Wage Hikes with Public Investments to Make Work Pay and Reduce Poverty

Heather Hill, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington

01/13/2017 Falling Behind: The Black-White Wealth Gap in Life Course Perspective

Alexandra (Sasha) Killewald, Department of Sociology, Harvard University

01/06/2017 From High School to College: Gender Immigrant Generation, and Race-Ethnicity

Charles Hirschman, Department of Sociology, University of Washington

Mark Long, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington

12/02/2016 Demography Student Poster Session & Lightning Talks
11/18/2016 How Does Big Data Contribute to Improved Demographic Knowledge?

Patrick Gerland, Chief of Mortality Section, Population Division, United Nations

Thomas LeGrand, Department of Demography, University of Montreal

Adrian Raftery, Department of Sociology & Department of Statistics, University of Washington

Emilio Zagheni, Department of Sociology & eSciences Institute, University of Washington

11/04/2016 Rooted or Stuck? The Causes and Consequences of American Mobility Decline

Brad Foster, Department of Sociology, University of Washington

10/28/2016 Race, Class, and Affirmative Action

Sigal Alon, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Tel Aviv University

10/21/2016 "They expect more from you" - Working-Class Transitions to Adulthood

Amy Bailey, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago

10/14/2016 Healthy, wealthy, and wise? Exploring optimism bias in parent predictions about a child's future health and socioeconomic expectations.

Davene Wright, Department of Pediatrics, UW

10/07/2016 Welcome Reception
The Future of Aging Symposium: 11/10/20-11/19/20 (Co-Sponsored by UW Retirement Association and UW Alumni Association)

Eileen Crimmins, AARP Chair in Gerontology and specialist in the demography of older populations, University of Southern California.

Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, Professor and Director of Healthy Generations, UW School of Social Work

Sara Curran, Director, UW Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology

Eric Larson, Senior Investigator, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Register HERE