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Research Affiliates

CSDE is proud to support over 200 faculty research affiliates at the University of Washington. These active population scientists represent multiple disciplines from schools and colleges across the campus. Their research contributes to each of CSDE’s primary research areas: Demographic Measurements & Methods, Environments & Populations, Migration & Settlement, Health of People & Populations, and Well-Being of Families & Households. If you are interested in becoming an affiliate, please see How to Become an Affiliate.

External Affiliates are from campuses or major research organizations around the Pacific Northwest

Visiting Affiliates are scholars visiting the University of Washington on a temporary basis.

UW School/College: 

UW Home Department:

Primary Research Area:

Affiliate Position
Arthur Acolin Associate Professor, Department of Real Estate
Avanti Adhia Assistant Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Scott W. Allard Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Zack W. Almquist Assistant Professor, Sociology
Leigh Anderson Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
James Anderson Research Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Rawan Arar Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Societies, and Justice
Engi Attia Assistant Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Katie Baird Professor, Economics, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Celina Balderas Guzmán Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture
Wendy Barrington Associate Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing; Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology; Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Services
Anirban Basu Professor, Health Economics; Professor, Health Services; Adjunct Professor, Economics
Betty Bekemeier Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing and Director, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
Mia Bennett Assistant Professor, Geography
Rachel Berney Associate Professor, Urban Design & Planning
Clara Berridge Associate Professor, School of Social Work; Katherine Hall Chambers Scholar
Erin Blakeney Research Assistant Professor, UW School of Nursing; Team Science Core Co-Director, UW Institute of Translational Health Sciences
Magali Blanco Research Scientist, DEOHS
Maria Bleil Clinical Assistant Professor, Child, Family and Population Health Nursing
Ann Bostrom Professor, Public Policy & Governance/Weyerhaeuser Endowed Professor in Environmental Policy
Steven Bourassa Professor and Chair, Runstad Department of Real Estate; Director, Washington Center for Real Estate Research
Gregory Bratman Associate Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Director, Environment and Well-Being Lab
Julie Brines Associate Professor, Sociology
Dan Brown Director and Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
Michael Brown Professor, Geography
Anthony Bui Acting Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Miruna Buta Assistant Professor, Health Services
Marco Carone Professor, Biostatistics
Erin Casey Professor & Graduate Program Coordinator, Social Work and Criminal Justice
Joan Casey Assistant Professor, Department of Enviromental and Occupational Health Sciences
Peter Catron Assistant Professor, Sociology
Kam Wing Chan Professor, Geography
KC Gary Chan Professor, Biostatistics; Professor Health Services
Annie T. Chen Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Cynthia Chen Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen Assistant Professor, Departments of Urban Design and Planning and Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
Donald Chi Professor, Oral Health Sciences
Isabelle Cohen Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Gregg Colburn Assistant Professor, Real Estate
Kyle Crowder Professor, Sociology
Sara Curran Professor, International Studies; Professor, Public Policy & Governance; Director, CSDE
Jade d'Alpoim Guedes Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Kavita Dattani Assistant Professor, Department of Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies
Joseph Delaney Research Associate Professor, Medicine - General Internal Medicine
Ipsita Dey Assistant Professor, Comparative History of Ideas
Adrian Dobra Professor, Department of Statistics
Kemi M. Doll Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Audrey Dorélien Associate Professor, Sociology
Alison Drake Assistant Professor, Global Health
Laura Dwyer-Lindgren Assistant Professor, Department of Health Metrics Sciences
Jody Early Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Health Studies
Dan Eisenberg Associate Professor, Anthropology
Nicole Eisenberg Senior Research Scientist, Social Development Research Group, School of Social Work
Mark Ellis Professor, Geography
Alice Ellyson Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Sarah Elwood Professor, Geography
Kim England Professor, Geography | Adjunct Professor, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Daniel Enquobahrie Professor, Epidemiology; Adjunct Professor, Health Systems and Population Health; School of Public Health, University of Washington
Elena Erosheva Professor, Statistics and Social Work
Nicole Errett Assistant Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Betsy Evans Associate Professor, Linguistics
Heather Evans Assistant Professor Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Research Director Center for NW ADA Center; Director of Disabilities Studies Program
Carey Farquhar Professor, Departments of Global Health, Medicine, and Epidemiology
Paul Fishman Professor, Health Services
Benjamin Fitzhugh Professor, Anthropology
Brian Flaherty Associate Professor, Psychology
Abraham Flaxman Associate Professor, Global Health; Associate Professor, Health Metrics Sciences
Alison Fohner Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen Professor, Social Work
Amanda Fretts Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Karin Frey Research Associate Professor, College of Education
Kathie Friedman Associate Professor, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Rachel Fyall Associate Professor, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Emmanuela Gakidou Professor, School of Medicine: Global Health, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
Michelle Garrison Research Associate Professor, Health Services & Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Amelia Gavin Professor, School of Social Work
Emily Godfrey Professor, Family Medicine
Dan Goldhaber Affiliate Professor, School of Social Work
Carmen Gonzalez Assistant Professor, Communication
Steven Goodreau Professor, Anthropology
Susan Graham Associate Professor, Medicine and Global Health; Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology
James Gregory Professor, History
Patrick Greiner Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Alan Griffith Assistant Professor, Economics
Himanshu Grover Assistant Professor, Urban Design & Planning
Mary Kay Gugerty Professor, Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Brandon Guthrie Assistant Professor, Global Health
Katarina Guttmannova Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Amy Hagopian Professor Emeritus, Health Systems & Population Health and Global Health
Anjum Hajat Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Crystal Hall Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
M. Elizabeth Halloran Professor, Biostatistics
Elizabeth Harrington Acting Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Alexes Harris Professor, Sociology
Janelle Hawes Assistant Professor, Social Work and Criminal Justice
Stephen Hawes Professor, Epidemiology
Rachel Heath Associate Professor, Economics
Jerald Herting Professor, Sociology
Jeremy Hess Professor, Global Health; Professor, Emergency Medicine; Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Heather Hill Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Yuan Hsaio Assistant Professor, Communication
David Huh Assistant Research Professor, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Jelani Ince Assistant Professor, Sociology
Sasha Johfre Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Grace John-Stewart Professor, Departments of Global Health, Epidemiology, Medicine, and Pediatrics
Jessica Jones-Smith Associate Professor, Health Services & Epidemiology
Kristian Jones Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Nora Kenworthy Adjunct Associate Professor, Global Health; Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology; Associate Professor, Nursing and Health Studies - UW Bothell
Jason Kerwin Associate Professor, Economics
Sana Khalil Assistant Professor, Economics
Hyun-Jun Kim Research Assistant Professor, Social Work
Larry Knopp Professor Emeritus, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Melissa Knox Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics
William Lavely Professor, Sociology; Professor, Jackson School of International Studies
Carole Lee Professor, Philosophy
Jane Lee Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Taryn Lindhorst Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Patricia Louie Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Kris (Pui Kwan) Ma Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Maya Magarati Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Lisa Manhart Associate Dean, School of Public Health; Professor, Epidemiology; Adjunct Professor, Global Health
Leah Marcotte Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Karin Martin Associate Professor, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Melanie Martin Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Griselda Martinez Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Melissa Martinson Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Afra Mashhadi Assistant Professor, Computing & Software Systems
Susanne May Professor, Biostatistics
Tyler McCormick Associate Professor, Statistics and Sociology
Erin McElroy Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Julianne Meisner Assistant Professor, Global Health; Assistant Professor, Epidemiology; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Clinical Affiliate Professor, Veterinary Medicine
Drew Messamore Assistant Professor, Sociology
Ali Modarres Dean, School of Urban Studies; Assistant Chancellor for Community partnerships
Ali Mokdad Director, Middle Eastern Initiatives | Professor, Global Health, Epidemiology & Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Steve J. Mooney Acting Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Leo Morales Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine; Adjunct Professor, Health Services
Tracy Mroz Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine
Stipica Mudrazija Assistant Professor, Department of Health Systems and Population Health
Paula Nurius Professor & Associate Dean, School of Social Work
Roberto Orellana Professor, School of Social Work
India Ornelas Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Jennifer Otten Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance; Undergraduate Program Director, Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
Soojin Oh Park Assistant Professor, Education
Ryan Petros Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Steve Pfaff Professor, Sociology
James Pfeiffer Professor, Global Health, Professor, Anthropology, and Adjunct Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Amanda Phipps Associate Professor, Epidemiology; Associate Chair, Epidemiology
Helen Pineo Urban Design & Planning
LaShawnDa Pittman Assistant Professor, American Ethnic Studies
Gundula Proksch Associate Professor, Architecture
Rachel Prusynski Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington
Adrian Raftery Professor, Statistics; Professor, Sociology
Aditya Ramesh Assistant Professor, Department of History
Darcy W. Rao Acting Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Thomas Richardson Professor and Chair, Statistics
Theresa Rocha Beardall Assistant Professor, Sociology
Ariel Rokem Research Associate Professor, Psychology
Meghan Romanelli Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Jennifer Romich Professor, School of Social Work
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Professor of Epidemiology; Bartley Dobb Professor for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Alison Roxby Associate Professor, Global Health and Medicine
Sebastián Rubiano-Galvis Assistant Professor, Environmental Justice
Mauricio Sadinle Clinical Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Francisca Santana Assistant Professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences
Jeanie Santaularia Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Stephan Seigel Professor of Finance and Business, Department of Finance and Business Economics
Edmund Seto Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Sameer Shah Assistant Professor & John C. Garcia Professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences
Mienah Sharif Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Bettina Shell-Duncan Professor, Anthropology
Lianne Sheppard Professor, Biostatistics and Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Kenneth Sherr Associate Professor, Global Health
Michelle Shin Assistant Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing
S. Joseph Shin Assistant Professor, Management
Jane Simoni Professor, Psychology
Michael Spencer Ballmer Endowed Dean and Professor, Social Work; Director, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and Oceania Affairs, University of Washington
Marie Spiker Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Emma Spiro Associate Professor, Information School
Lesley Steinman Research Scientist, Department of Health Systems and Population Health
Sarah Stone Executive Director, eScience Institute
Katherine Stovel Professor & Chair, Sociology
Emiko A. Tajima Associate Professor, School of Social Work; Executive Director, Partners for Our Children
David Takeuchi Associate Dean, Office of Faculty Excellence and Research, School of Social Work
Anissa Tanweer Research Scientist, eScience Institute
Khai Hoan Tram Infectious Disease Fellow, UW Medical Center
LaTonya Trotter Associate Professor, Department of Bioethics and Humanities
Morgan Vickers Assistant Professor, Law, Societies, & Justice
Jacob Vigdor Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Peter Vitaliano Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Jenna Von Draanen Assistant Professor, Child, Family & Population Health Nursing
Bradley Wagenaar Associate Professor, Global Health
Jon Wakefield Professor, Statistics and Biostatistics
Rebecca Walter Associate Professor, Real Estate
Vince Wang Assistant Professor, Real Estate
Teresa Ward Professor, UW School of Medicine, Pediatrics
Marcia Weaver Research Professor, Health Metrics
Yen-Chu Weng Lecturer, College of the Environment
Jevin West Associate Professor & Director, Information School
Lindsay White Health Services
Emily Williams Professor, Health Services
Nathalie Williams Professor, Sociology; Professor, Jackson School of International Studies
Suzanne Withers Associate Professor, Geography
Edwin Wong Research Associate Professor, Department of Health Services
Dafeng Xu Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
Jing Xu Affiliate Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Clair Yang Assistant Professor, Jackson School of International Studies
Bo Zhao Associate Professor, Department of Geography